- Chance
- Randomised & based on luck
- 4'33 - Sat in silence for 4 minutes 33 seconds
- What can you hear? In silence what do you hear?
- If everything is silent then what do you hear?
- Water Walk
- Sounds are not accidental
- Everything happens for a purpose
Party popper
Bath running
Rubber duck
Waters flowers
Audience find it funny?
Music because he says it is
Mathematical Nonsense
Yves Klien
- Used naked ladies as paint brushes to paint a large canvas in front of a live audience
- Anthropometries - name of the canvases
- Some people like the idea & some people hated it - mixed opinions
- People judged it but the ladies in it loved the artwork
- worked with only 4 colours, pink, gold, blue & yellow
- International Klien Blue - Trademarked colour
- Very spiritual
- 'Living Brushes'
- Women said he respected them for being his instruments of Art
- Used Airbrush, Fire (not on people) and his classic Klien Blue plaint
Piero Manzoni
- Early 60's
- Hard boiled eggs
- Cans of poo (his own) - different languages saying 'Artist's shit'
- died 1969
- The Society of Spectacle - didn't care about art, only reality
- Re-wrote comics
- Didn't like Art
- Tried to get rid of consumerism
- Art/posters in the streets rather than in galleries/museums (belief)
- Selective people will find it funny
- Eventually became an Art movement instead of a rebellion against Art
- Their artwork/posters & posters soon ended up in museums under the name of 'Modern Art'
Guy Debord-
- Founder of SoS
- Committed suicide because he thought the CIA were bugging his flat/apartment
- Predicted the boom in consumerism but didn't know that we would actually enjoy it
- World is too uptight
- Be more happy
- General Humour
- Not Serious
- Have Fun
- Still quite a dark movement though
- Weird
- Much larger than Art - any type of creativity was effected
- 'Culture'
- Open & experimental
- Pushing the boundaries of Art
George Mecunis
- Founder of Fluxus
Fluxus Festival 1962
- Sat at a panel in front of an audience
- Little subtle performances
- Broken/breaking instruments
- Destroying a piano
Yoko Ono
- Cut Piece - She sat on stage and the audience were invited to come up & cut chunks of her clothing off
Joseph Beuys
- Felt of Fat
- Filz T.V
Sarah Lucas
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