Sunday, 24 January 2016

Personal Drawings/Being Human

Dodie Clark (Doddleoddle - Youtuber/Musician) 
(2nd Attempt at drawing her)
A friend
Emma Blackery (Youtuber/Musician)
Thomas "TomSka" Ridgewell (Youtube Sketch Artist/Comedian)
Dean Dobbs (YouTube Sketch Artist/Comedian)
Jack Howard (YouTube Sketch Artist/Comedian)
Arielle Evergreen (Youtuber/Musician)
A friend
Dodie Clark (Youtuber/Musician)

These of which started as personal drawings in my spare time have now turned into the beginning point for my Being Human project. Some are very rough as I've only just started using this simplified style, but they are starting to get more complex and I am starting to get an understanding on how to make them easier and quicker (As you can see with my top image compared to the bottom)


I attempted to make a zoetrope. The first one (all white) didn't work well and was hard to see the subject within however the second one (Black & White) worked pretty well.

This White one had a stickman running in 8/9 frames which sadly didn't work very well. The slits were too close and this allowed you to see more than I wanted, ruining the effect of the zoetrope. 

This black one had a ball bouncing in 7 frames which worked pretty well, however with more practice I imagine I can make a smooth one

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Reflective Practice

Four less on a garment for SeWhat and more on subject area - Animation & Illustration
Tessellation work doesn't really fit in other than looking at other artists work
Illusions fit in luckily to what I'm now looking at

Need to look into:
- Zoetrope and the early ages of animation
- Flip-books

I want my animations/stories to entertain, making simple animations interesting.
I want to include humour somehow (Be it Crude or Innocent)

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

M. C. Escher & Illusions

Maurits Cornelis Escher


An image you can only see if aligned? - Look at this

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

AMW - Infinity - Space

Space is infinite & i was thinking about including balloons somehow into my garment so I my idea has now changed, I'm thinking of doing a garment which represents space & the solar system. I'm thinking of using ballots to represent planets, moons or stars.
I have changed my idea as the clown idea represented a human too much and the point of Alternative Miss World is to branch away from the normal and human.
From our small world we have gazed upon the cosmic ocean for thousands of years. Ancient astronomers observed points of light that appeared to move among the stars. They called these objects "planets," meaning wanderers, and named them after Roman deities—Jupiter, king of the gods; Mars, the god of war; Mercury, messenger of the gods; Venus, the goddes of love and beauty, and Saturn, father of Jupiter and god of agriculture. The stargazers also observed comets with sparkling tails, and meteors or shooting stars apparently falling from the sky. 

Since the invention of the telescope, three more planets have been discovered in our solar system: Uranus (1781), Neptune (1846), and, now downgraded to a dwarf planet, Pluto (1930). In addition, there are thousands of small bodies such as asteroids and comets. Most of the asteroids orbit in a region between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, while the home of comets lies far beyond the orbit of Pluto, in the Oort Cloud. 

The four planets closest to the sun—Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars—are called the terrestrial planets because they have solid rocky surfaces. The four large planets beyond the orbit of Mars—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune—are called gas giants. Tiny, distant, Pluto has a solid but icier surface than the terrestrial planets. 

Nearly every planet—and some of the moons—has an atmosphere. Earth's atmosphere is primarily nitrogen and oxygen. Venus has a thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide, with traces of poisonous gases such as sulfur dioxide. Mars's carbon dioxide atmosphere is extremely thin. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are primarily hydrogen and helium. When Pluto is near the sun, it has a thin atmosphere, but when Pluto travels to the outer regions of its orbit, the atmosphere freezes and collapses to the planet's surface. In that way, Pluto acts like a comet.