Hello Internet, my name is Jordan and this is my blog for my course in Art & Design and any other personal artwork & doodles. Feel free to scroll through my work and leave any comments you may have. I hope to go to Uni and study either Animation, Game Design or Illustration. (All First and Second year work is removed from top labels bar so it is easier to navigate my Foundation Year work. They will return once i figure out a clean and neat way to present them
Friday, 11 December 2015
Updated Latex Mask
Alternative Miss World - Rational
Make a suit?
Latex Mask?
Include numbers/letters somehow? - Infinity mainly
Shapes - Circles
How will it look?
Based upon a circus ring-master?
Funny or creepy?
What will it be?
Video Scribe - photos?
Animation - use technique similar to their advertising - Collage
Quick Time
Adobe Flash
My end goal is to make a garment which represents letters & numbers and also incorporates my latex mask of a scary/creepy clown face
I want to stick around the theme of Infinity & circles/never-ending shapes, numbers or forms
How will it walk?
Animate it possibly?
What if the face could move?
Self Assessment of Everything So Far
I have started to find my style of drawing
I have improved massively in drawing with tablets and graphics pads
Adobe Flash & Photoshop are easier to use and higher quality
Understand the importance of Art in the outside world
Better awareness of critical assessment & not to take everything personally
Starting to use up all the space I have been given, be it on a piece of paper or workspace
Taking more influence from other artists & work (with the help of social networking)
Still need to improve on the amount of research I do however
Need more sketchbook work
More on Blogger
More work in general
Need to keep up with Personal Reflection book & my diary/daily sketchbook
What have I created?
Life Drawing on Paper, Tissue, Tablet, Paint, Chalk, Pencil, Pen, Stick
Short animations in Darren's session to get used to Flash again
Video Scribe
Started on Diary/Daily sketchbook
Currently working on a design for wearable piece for SeWhat
How do i feel life drawing is going?
Tablet drawings are going pretty well, starting to get better and find my style
Still struggling & getting frustrated when using paint & most media on paper
Proportions are slightly off but not too noticeable
Monday, 7 December 2015
Life Drawing on Tablet
Model was ill today so we took it in turns being the model & drawing each other. Bad quality images because I was unable to get the originals off the tablet, hopefully will be able to get them soon. Started off pretty roughly as usual but managed to get a few good pieces done this session,l. Need to work of faces & colouring of skin & shading tones.
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Without knowing the past how can we create the future?
History would repeat itself
We find our style within the timeline of art