Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Arts & Craft Movement

Arts & Craft Movement:
Began in Britain in 1860-1890 (Industrial Revolution)
Quickly spread across America ands Europe
Made to oppose the Mechanics of the Industrial Revolution
Very natural
Massively influenced by Oriental Art at the time

An Art & Design movement as they were both the similar at the time
A movement of Ideals

John Ruskin- (1819 - 1900) English writers, painter & collector
                      - One of the main supporters of the Pre-Raphaelites
                      - Influenced the Arts & Craft movement

William Morris- Put Ruskin's philosophies into practise
                           -Tile panels, wallpapers, prints etc.. (natural forms)
                           - Repeat patterns, Victorian styled
                           - Foliage, flowers & birds
                           - Morris & Co Website
                           - Walthamstow 'Red House' restored into a Gallery

BBC Homes
Arts & Craft Museum

Art Nouveau:
Began 1880-1910
First Art Revolution to look forward to the future

Charles Rene Macintosh- Geometric forms
                                          - Long-back chair
                                          - Dark, bold, think lines

Monday, 20 October 2014

Media, Bill Viola

Bill Viola

Baby- First light we see
         - Seeing and not knowing

Memoria- Darkness
                - Grainy
                - Memory from being a wake at night when he was a child

Space Between the Teeth- Long corridoor
                                          - Zooms into his mouth at the end of the corridoor

A Portrait in Light and Heat- Hot day in a desert and snowy day
                                                 -Filmed in Canada (snow) and Tunisia (desert)

Five Angels for the Mellenium- Inspired by when he nearly drowned as a child
                                                    - Another world underwater

The Passing- This is the video in which he filmed his Mother on her death-bed
                     - Dying from a coma
                     - Said it was 'The hardest thing to do' but did it because he feels 'comfort through video'

He also says that he sees a camera as an 'open eye'

Cool Packaging

I like this creative packaging for brushes, the incorporate the brush itself into the design which I would like to try to do.
I really like the bright colours on these Schweppes bottles/cans
I love the idea of incorporating the product itself into the packaging or the ingredients. I will try something similar to this when I create my packaging.
The Dorito shapes which make up this packaging and also it makes the bag/box more stable & aesthetically pleasing
Again I really like the idea of incorporating the ingredient/flavour onto the packaging like this banana flavoured drink.


Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Final H&S Poster

These are my final designs for the Health & Safety posters, I decided to stick with the themes of 'Tangle Risk' and 'High Visibility Vest'. 
For both posters i used my own images and super-emposed them, so I don't break copyright 

For the 'Tangle risk' I used the template in which my group agreed on. I then imposed an image of my headphones tangled and ran some filters through it so it suited the template. My title is in Impact and my main text is in Helvetica

 I then did the same for my 'High Visibility vest' poster so it suited the agreed template.
I have adjusted both posters so the bottom title is Impact also, and sized it better so it looks more professional and

Monday, 6 October 2014

Media Research

Media Research

Slow Motion

Sam Taylor-Wood- Still life
Fruit moulding over time

 Sam Taylor Wood- A Little Death

A rabbit slowly decomposing

Quite a gross idea but makes people think


Both of these make you feel uncomfortable and un-easy

Bruce Nauman- Walking in an Exaggerated Manner

I was quite confused by this, however it made me want to continue watching

Bruce Nauman- "Art Make-up"
Again this video confused me but made me want to finish watching it



Nam June Paik-
From what i can see it looks like Nam June Paik likes to use T.Vs to create moving and static artwork

Nam June Paik- Electronic Superhighway

Uses Televisions & neon tubing to make the states of America

Each has its own images on the screens and has songs from the movie 'Wizard of Oz' playing in the background